Monday 16 May 2011


She had big eyes , cute smile , white skin n' an impressive behavior . She no one than my lovely cousin from my mother side . Everytime I had a problem , I always share it to her . She knew how my feelings are . She keep giving me advice not to be sad , always patient in every obstacle . Indeed I have to be patient , coz the world we live full of lies n' secret . Never trust someone who can't be trusted . Trust someone within your heart . Only your heart can determine someone good n' bad at the same time . =D

Sunday 15 May 2011


People makes mistakes , no matter what kind of mistakes , people always makes mistakes . But never blame on that people directly when you found out they make a small mistakes . When you do , you're no different than a cold hearted human being . Realise now , or regret later . You and me are no different . We're human being who'll never escape from mistakes . If we do , then were a human being live for no reason , live for nothing . Mistakes gives us lessons , experience n' moral value . Never judge a book by it's cover . Learn to fix yourself . Reflect yourself on the mirror , judge yourself by what the mirror reflect you n' what wrongs had you did to others . Never think that only your emotion had to be people first priority . But think about others first before you're gonna throw out some words that can describe that person negative part which can hurt their feelings. Or , people will started to hate us judging by our appearance and bad behavior .


Each day of my life , I'm having trouble to relax my mind n' to solve my problems . I can't share it to my parents , coz they wouldn't understood what my feelings are . I only can share it to my friends . N' friends always cheer my day up . Without friends , I can become crazy . Being lonely with no one is hurting me . So there goes my friends that can shine up my lonely world .

Sunday 1 May 2011

- Azizi @ Jijie
- 16 years old
- Born in Sri Aman , Sarawak
- Pio Malay , Muslim